This page last changed on Aug 09, 2007 by cmcintyre.
1) A hockey puck slides along an icy surface. What makes it slow down?
- It runs out of push
- It rubs against the ice
- It runs out of electricity
2) The rougher the surface, ...
- the greater the friction
- the less the friction
- the same level of friction
3) Which of the following is an example of trying to increase friction?
- Squirting oil into door hinges
- Spreading grit onto icy roads (Will students know what "grit" is?)
- Waxing the underneath of skis
4) Which of the following statements is not true?
- Friction can only slow things down
- Friction is never useful
- Friction can stop things from moving
"It runs out of push" in Question 1 is an odd expression.

Posted by cmcintyre at Aug 14, 2007 10:24